Anacardiaceae (Mango family)

How to identify: Not easy for beginners. Look for a mango tree and grog it. Once you get the general sense of how a mango feels, smells and look like you are ready for knowing the simple leaved species. You will notice that the leaf stalk of these simple leaved species are often swollen where it meets the stem, and also this “swelling” is often stout and transversely wrinked.

Anarcardium occidentale – almost oval leaves.
Blepharocarya involucrigera (Bollygum) – pinnate leaves which are oppositely arranged on stem. The leaf stalk seem swollen and almost joining at the base with the other leaf stalk.
Buchanania arborescens (Green Plum) – Simple leaves like mango but the apex rounded
Euroschinus falcatus var. falcatus (Ribbonwood) – pinnate leaves, assymetric leaflets, sometime hairy. Strong turpentinish/mano-ish smell when crushed
Rhus taitensis (Sumac) – pinnate leaves with a terminal leaflet.
Semecarpus australiensis (Australian Cashew Nut) – simple leaf, somewhat glaucous under. Often black spots where leaf is injured, and tar-like sap on the trunk. DO NOT CRUSH AND SMELL.

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