Tag Archives: Wingleaf Silky Oak

Gevuina bleasdalei (Proteaceae)

Australian botanists have their lingo for members of the Proteaceae. They call them Prots. Prots are not easy to identify and any botanist who finds them easy group is either an incarnated Prot, or simply a genius. (Well…this is a … Continue reading

Posted in Endemics, Gondwana, Habitat - Rain forest, Lifeform - Trees & Shrubs, Proteaceae (Macadamia family) | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Gevuina bleasdalei (Proteaceae)

Distinctive red color of young (compound) leaf and the distinctive winged rachis. Australian botanists have their lingo for members of the Proteaceae. They call them Prots. And any botanist who says that Prots are an easy group is either an … Continue reading

Posted in Habitat - Rain forest, Lifeform - Trees & Shrubs, Proteaceae (Macadamia family) | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment