Archontophoenix alexandrae (Arecaceae)

Archontophoenix alexandrae Cattana Wetlands DSC_1276

In the palm world, Alexander the Great is Alexander the Palm.

Grows in rainforests, often near to creeks, or in conspicuously colonies in freshwater swamp forests, the Alexander palm must rank among one of Queensland’s most famous palms.

Archontophoenix alexandrae (Alexander Palm)

It has conquered the hearts of many a tropical horticulturist, attaining global acclaim as a ornamental palm grown in many tropical countries.

Such is the charisma of Alexander the Palm.

Deservedly so.

It IS a handsome palm.

Not exceedingly robust in girth, but sturdy and of a elegant in form, with neat fronds with fine leaflets with a silvery undersurface.

It’s got attractive red berries, which is pleasing to the eyes, and makes for a good feed for birds.

Princely as palms are famed to be.

Alexander the Palm.

Archontophoenix alexandrae

About David Tng

I am David Tng, a hedonistic botanizer who pursues plants with a fervour. I chase the opportunity to delve into various aspects of the study of plants. I have spent untold hours staring at mosses and allied plants, taking picture of pollen, culturing orchids in clean cabinets, counting tree rings, monitoring plant flowering times, etc. I am currently engrossed in the study of plant ecology (a grand excuse to see 'anything I can). Sometimes I think of myself as a shadow taxonomist, a sentimental ecologist, and a spiritual environmentalist - but at the very root of it all, a "plant whisperer"!
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